Reverend Kathleen Hoffman is the pastor of the First Spiritualist Church of Onset, Massachusetts. She is internationally recognized, certified medium, teacher and healer. Reverend Kathleen is also a Reiki Master/Teacher, Spirit Artist, Certified Hypnotherapist, she is attuned to the Marconi healing frequencies, a Feng Shui Consultant and is also certified to access the Akashic Records, through the pathway prayer process and a graduate of Radiant Healing School. She began her spiritual work more than 25 years ago and over time has become well known for her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and transfiguration. She has been recognized for her spiritual work as a feature in many newspapers, television (Awake In The Dream with Penelope Chatterton) and radio programs throughout New England and other states. Reverend Kathleen has served on church and camp boards including positions of assistant pastor.
The Reverend completed her courses through the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches, and is certified through the First Spiritualist Church of Onset. She has been Empathic since childhood, having the ability to know what people were thinking as early as four years old. As a young child she would draw people's faces leading her to her path of Spirit drawing, years later.
Reverend Kathleen has attended classes with some of the most prestigious mediums in the world. The late Reverends Gladys and Kenneth Custance, John Carol, Rita Berkowitz and Mediums from England, New Zealand and other parts of the world. She is innovative in developing new curriculum for mediumship, healing, and has created a variety of new ways to teach Spiritualism. She continues to teach and educate in her weekly classes and workshops here at church and at other churches and educational centers throughout the country. She is a coordinator of outreach and education for a victim's service center and is a trainer for the criminal justice system and has her License in Drug and Alcohol Counseling. Kathleen has many other certifications both in healing and the human services field and has dedicated her life work in the human services field, by empowering adults and children of various ages to open to their highest potential and their life's purpose.
Meet Reverend Kathleen Hoffman