Mediumship is the First Saturday of each month 11:00-1:00,  $20 for 15 minutes!:-

If you would like a private reading outside of Medium's day with

Rev. Kathleen please call 774-454-3985

17 Highland Avenue      P.O. Box 231    Onset, MA  02558        774-454-3985

Mediumship works in a love vibration and if the medium comes to you with a message, it is important to have an open mind.  If you have never received a message from the world of spirit then it is likely to be a life changing experience.  Often spirit will bring forward a friend or a distant relative first (You may not have known all your family members but don't forget they know you).  Be open minded and answer the medium with a yes, or a no, don't provide the medium with information, as tht could be the next piece of evidence to leave their lips.  The mediums work is to prove that life is eternal, so open your hearts and send love to your freind and family in the spirit world.  The medium is jus the instrument used by spirit to convey the messages and give proof of the continuity of life.  Just sit back and enjoy the experience as there is nothing to fear.  It is not unusual that some information you receive may not make sense at first, be patient, it will likely show up in the future as further proof.  


Mediums Day Readings

Holistic Psychic Fair, Holistic Fair, Psychic Fair, Wareham Elks, Wareham Lodge of Elks, East. Wareham, MA, Psychic, Psychic Mediums, Medium, Astrologers, astrologer, Clairvoyants, clairvoyant, Spirit Drawings, spirit, Reiki Healers, reiki, Reflexology, Tarot Card Readers, Aura Photos, Vendors, Raffles, First Spiritualist Church of Onset, Onset, MA, Onset Spiritualist, church, Georgette Biscari, Kathleen Hoffman, Doreen Tripp, Beverly Sylvia, Roberta Rogers, Jan D'Angelo, Beverly Shimkus, Dawn Lorraine, Patricia Mellman, Rachel Doherty, Nancy Foley, Tom Foley, Sharon Ferrano, Debbie Matthews, Theresa Shrafft, Dorothy Reposa, Marlene Pinski Panish, Lee Drescher, Kristine Queen of Cups, Rev. Kathy Mederios, Maureen Brown, Joan Downs, Jay Sarmento, Myrna Westgate, Mark Thompson, Olga Parker, Alice Wing.